xi.ye [at] princeton.edu xiye17 scholar xiye_nlp
I am a Postdoctral Researcher at Princeton Language and Intelligence.
My research is primarily in the field of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on improving the explainability of large language models and enhancing their reasoning capabilities. I also work on semantic parsing and program synthesis.
I obtained my PhD from the Department of Computer Science at UT Austin, advised by Greg Durrett. Prior to joining UT Austin, I obtained my Bachelor's degree from the School of Software, Tsinghua University, where I worked with Prof. Shixia Liu on Visual Analysis and Machine Learning.
π£ I will join the University of Alberta as an Assistant Professor at starting in July 2025, and I am recruiting fully funded PhD/MS students in the upcoming cycle. (To prospective students: please include "Fall 25 Prospective Student" in email subject line.)Area Chair: ACL (24), EMNLP (24)
Reviewer: ACL (23), ICML (23,24), NeurIPS (22, 23), ICLR (24), EMNLP (22), NAACL (22), ARR (22, 21), CONLL (21, 20), TL4NLP Workshop (22), SUKI Workshop (22), NLP4Prog Workshop (21).
Workshop Organizer: NLRSE Workshop @ ACL24.
Tutorial Speaker: NLRSE Workshop @ ACL24.
TA for CS378: Natural Language Processing (undergraduate). Fall 2022
TA for CS388: Natural Language Processing (graduate). Spring 2021
TA for CS429: Computer Architecture and Organization (undergraduate). Fall 2018, Spring 2019